A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Level Of Knowledge Regarding Disaster Preparedness Among Adults Residing In Community Area Kanpur


  • Ms. Akanksha Gautam, Ms. Amreen Bano, Ms. Anjana, Dr. B. Archana Author


Disaster Preparedness, Adults, Effectiveness, Knowledge, Structured Teaching Programme


Extremities and disaster not only affect health and good of people, constantly large number of people are displace, killed or injure do subordinated to lesser threat of pandemics. Considerable profitable detriment is also common. Disaster caused great detriment to the being structure and hang the future of sustainable development.  


The present research study conducted in Ramnagar, Mandhana, Kanpur. The samples were selected by using Non-probability purposive sampling technique. The sample size was 60 Adults at selected Ramnagar Kanpur Uttar Pradesh. The validity and reliability of tools was established. The data was collected by using self-structured Knowledge Questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by using Descriptive statistics and Inferential statistics. The results of the study represented that Out of 60 Adults majority 28(46.6%) of had Inadequate Knowledge, 27(45%) of had Moderately Knowledge and 5(8.3%) had Adequate Knowledge in Pre- test. Out of 60 Adults majority 18(30%) of had Moderate Knowledge, 42(70%) of had Adequate Knowledge and no one 0(0%) had Inadequate Knowledge. Pre- test mean knowledge score 11.35 with SD 4.71 and Post- test mean knowledge score 19.08 with SD 5.99 Which is higher than that of Pre- test. Paired “t” test applied to compare pre- test and post-test mean knowledge score, and calculated “t” value is 1.0075 significant at 0.05 level of significant which indicates that Structured Teaching Programme was effective in enhancing the knowledge of Adults regarding Disaster Preparedness. In the Socio- Demographic Variables significant association with Age and Source of Information, but there was no significant association with Gender, Religion, Marriage, Education, Occupation and Income. Here calculated value of Chi-square was less than table value at 0.05 level of significance. So, there were significant association with Age and Source of information, but there was no significant with other selected Socio- Demographic Variables.







How to Cite

A Study To Assess The Effectiveness Of Structured Teaching Programme On Level Of Knowledge Regarding Disaster Preparedness Among Adults Residing In Community Area Kanpur. (2023). Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 40(3), 499-504. http://swyxgcx.com/index.php/jbme/article/view/97